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Know More About Infertility Checkup for Better Results

Infertility checkups can help determine if a couple is having problems with infertility. Infertility testing usually involves a couple visiting a reproductive endocrinologist, and getting a detailed medical examination and full physical. You may be asked questions regarding your sexual practices, medical history, menstrual cycle, sexual history, sexually transmitted diseases, and abortions or miscarriages. Infertility testing may not be reimbursable by some medical plans.

Hormone blood tests, a key tool for infertility testing, are available from Mediyaar Healthcare to help identify if you or your partner are experiencing infertility problems? So, we recommend you just go for Infertility checkup packages for better results.

Infertility Checkup Packages


Female Infertility Checkup Packages

Thyroid Testing:  Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), Thyroid Profile (T3T4T7), Free T3, Free Thyroxine (T4) can determine if your thyroid function is impaired and could be contributing to a fertility problem.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH):  helps control egg production and menstrual cycle, typically performed on the third day of the menstrual cycle.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH):  a measure of hormone production, egg supply, and egg maturation in the ovaries. An LH test is typically performed when a woman is ovulating.

A high ratio of LH to FSH may indicate polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)

Estradiol:  measures a form of estrogen associated with ovarian function and serves as a quality score of a woman's eggs, also typically performed on the third day of a woman's cycle.

Progesterone: a hormone that helps ensure the uterus is ready for a fertilized egg, this test is used to determine if a woman is ovulating.

Prolactin: a hormone that causes milk production, performed to determine if a woman is menstruating or when having abnormal nipple discharge.

Testosterone:  a hormone associated with sexual function and desire in men and women.

Dihydroeprandrostone (DHEAS):  evaluates the adrenal function and helps rule out PCOD, amenorrhea, and hirsutism as causes of infertility.


Male Infertility Checkup Packages

Testosterone: is the primary male sex hormone and a key metric when addressing sexual or fertility problems.

Free Testosterone:  a measurement of testosterone that reflects unbound testosterone in a man's body.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH):  helps control sperm count, production, and transportation.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH):  aids in the production of sperm and a measure of sperm reserve.

Prolactin:  often performed when a man loses sexual desire or is having a problem achieving an erection.

It is important to note that some tests for women are recommended at specific times of the menstrual cycle.


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